How to get rid of a rusty toilet bowl?

By Reggie

1. Remove tank lid, and flush toilet. While its refilling put in 1(one) scoop of Snowcap in tank. As it refills it will dissolve the powder and coat inside of tank. 


2. Once tank is full use use a toilet brush to gently swish water around to wet sides of bowl. Then put 1(one) scoop of Snowcap into bowl, and let it dissolve. About every 10(ten) minutes take the brush and swish treated water around and up on the sides of bowl to get as much as you can on rust stains. 


3. Let water sit, and work for about an hour then flush the toilet to clean out the tank, and bowl. The Snowcap will continue to work even after flushing. 


4. For badly stained bowls you may have to scrub a little with your brush, or you may have to treat again. But wait 2-3 days before you do as it continues working for a while.







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